Mid-Michigan Electrics Unlimited R/C
Boat Racing Club
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE N.A.M.B.A Satey Rules A. GENERAL SAFETY REGULATIONS 1. NAMBA members must have their NAMBA numbers on their boats and their backs for easy identification. Minimum number sizes will be 1-1/2” on the back and 1” on the boat, except where noted in specific class rules. R/C Combat ships do not require numbers on boats or members. 2. Every contestant entering NAMBA competition must show proper evidence of current NAMBA membership. 3. Every driver must have a pit person at all times, whether in practice or during a contest, who is also a NAMBA member and who is aware of all course conditions and NAMBA regulations. R/C Combat ships do not require a pit person or separate observer. 4. Only NAMBA members are allowed in the pit area. No persons other than those running a boat, those assisting with the running of a boat, or contest officials will be permitted in the pit area. For R/C Combat the pit is defined as the shoreline of the pond/lake. Other specific crowd control requirements are contained in the specific R/C Combat rules listed below. 5. All persons in the pit area, those driving a boat, or those launching or retrieving a boat, must at all times wear shoes which cover the entire foot. 6. No alcoholic beverage consumption or illegal drug use is permitted while a NAMBA member is operating or assisting in the operation of a model boat, whether in practice or during a contest. Use of these substances by contest officials is also strictly prohibited. 7. Reasonable and proper provisions will be made for crowd control and for the safety of other members and spectators. Model boats will not be operated when anyone is in the water, except for those members who may be in the water near the pit area to launch or retrieve a boat. R/C Combat members may be in the water under certain circumstances. See specific rules regarding this in the specific R/C Combat rules listed below. 8. No buoys will be set on the course closer than 50 feet to any shoreline. This may be reduced to 30 feet when the adjacent shoreline is such that a boat cannot travel more than its own length out of the water. This rule does not apply to R/C Combat. 9. A retrieve boat may not be in the water at any time when a model boat is running in the water. For R/C Combat, all other combat ships must stop and/or clear the area while another ship is being retrieved. They do not need to be removed from the water. 10. All rules, laws, ordinances, and regulations of any federal, state, county, and/or municipality will be observed at all times. B. BOAT/RADIO OPERATION SAFETY REGULATIONS 1. No boat which has been run aground will be permitted to re-enter the water until the driver has demonstrated to the contest officials that the boat has not been damaged to the point where it might not operate safely. This rule does not apply to R/C Combat. 2. No boats will be started on tables or in the working pits with prop attached, unless it is properly shrouded and protected from accidental contact. No boats will be started in the working pits and then carried to the launching area. 3. Method of propulsion will be of the type that functions by propeller contact with the water or air. Air prop driven boats will be limited to "A" class engines only, see Section 10 – rule A.1. Boats propelled with air props must have the prop shrouded, and must have an underwater rudder or skeg of at least one inch square. Inertia reaction devices such as rockets or jets are prohibited. 4. A positive means of engine shut-off and/or positive throttle control is required of all boats. 5. Radio on/off switches will be positioned in such a manner as to prevent accidental shut off if bumped during handling, launching, or running. 6. Boats will have some means of positive buoyancy when open compartments are filled with water. Boats should only be retrieved by means of a retrieve boat or use of a retrieve ball. Under no circumstances should a person swim or dive to retrieve a boat. R/C Combat boats are designed to sink and must not have positive buoyancy. All other combat boats must stop and/or clear the area while a R/C Combat boat is retrieved. 7. The maximum size of boat will be 60". R/C Combat ships are not restricted in size. 8. Transmitters of all contestants will be impounded upon arrival at a contest. An impound area will be furnished by the sponsoring club, and will be properly shaded and adequately protected. All transmitters will be identified by having the owner’s name, address, and frequency thereon. Use of transmitters for checking boat operation will be controlled by the contest officials. During practice running, members are responsible for the safe operation of their radio equipment, including checking for conflicting frequencies before turning on transmitters. A frequency board (or its equivalent) must be used at R/C Combat events to assure that the boats are on different frequencies. 9. Frequency identification as approved by the FCC is required on all transmitters, but must not be displayed at the end of the antenna, so as to hinder the view of another driver. C. R/C COMBAT SPECIFIC SAFETY REGULATIONS 1. Safety shields and/or safety glasses are required for all combatants and guests. 2. Gun safety devices (such as barrel pins or shut-off valves/switches) are required to render the guns inoperative when they are in the pit area or otherwise not engaged in combat or combat preparation. 3. The primary (unregulated) CO2 supply vessel, whether refillable bottle or disposable cartridge, and any components between the CO2 supply and the regulator, as well as the regulator that controls the pressure from the primary CO2 supply vessel, must be commercially manufactured. In addition, if any part of the gas system after the regulator exceeds 200 psi, then those components must be commercially manufactured also. 4. The combat area (pond) and some area (dependant upon terrain features) around it should be sectioned off so that spectators can be controlled and kept within safe areas. 5. The by-laws and constitution of the specific club involved in the event may apply additional safety requirements as required. D. DISREGARD OF SAFETY REGULATIONS 1. Disregard of these safety regulations will cause the loss of insurance eligibility for the member should an accident occur. Disregard of these safety regulations can also result in the member being ejected from an event by the contest officials, or can cause the member to lose use of a particular racing site.
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